April’s Theme: Yard & Garden

My time is entirely controlled by Mother Nature lately. It started a few weeks ago when my daughter brought home a terrible norovirus-like illness she picked up somewhere. It spread quickly through the whole family and forced us to rearrange all of our plans to rest and recover. Lately, we have been doing some work in the yard and our days are basically controlled by the weather. If the weather pattern changes rapidly, we have to reschedule our entire day on the fly. It’s kind of a pain but nature is also an excellent teacher. If you struggle with perfectionism or you like things just so, it might be the best thing in the world for you to spend more time outside.
Over the course of this month, I will be sharing several projects I am working on to make my own yard look more organized. Last year, I focused on gardening projects that didn’t require much planting and were primarily about various hardscaping elements you can put into your garden.
This year’s focus is simply to finish up a lot of garden projects that have been on my to do list forever. Some are very small and simple, others complex. There will be some hardscaping as well as some planting.
First up, a very simple weeding tip.