May’s Theme: Health

Now that I have my Mother’s Day remembrances in the mail, it is time to get back to regular business. (I won’t share with you my Mother’s Day solutions just yet as my mom reads my blog. Hi Mom!) We are almost halfway through 2011! 

Despite Good Intentions, It’s Hard to Save Money

In our discussion of retirement saving this month, Ruth has posted a few comments relating to the need to cut back on basic expenses so that you have money to save for retirement. Suze Orman couldn’t agree more. Below is her tough love advice about 

Retirement Math Simplified

If you want any hope of retiring comfortably, you need to have at least a basic understanding of advanced math. Most of the soundbites today on retirement planning speak to people with limited knowledge of math. The basic message is “Put some aside today and 

Emergency Water Storage

While we still have a few brain cells left that are not dedicated to (pleasant and non-stressful) holiday thoughts, I thought it would be a good idea to focus in on some of the emergency preparation aspects of our theme. My own emergency planning could 

The Minimalist Closet

Unless you live in a nudist colony, clothes are an essential part of your everyday life. Most people have a closet jam packed with clothes, shoes and accessories and find themselves wishing for more closet space. Most people are also drowning in a sea of