Tag: skiing

The 2015 Ski Report

The 2015 Ski Report

For the past two years, we have enrolled the children in ski lessons during the winter months. We learned that they LOVE skiing. This year, as we were deciding when to start lessons, it was a particularly cold week due to a “polar vortex” and 

Ski Lessons

Ski Lessons

At the moment, the children and I are consumed with intense homeschooling in order to complete our homeschool curriculum for June exams. We are a smidge behind in a few subjects and have had to double up on math in particular. It is time consuming 

Ski Valentines


It’s the month of love! It’s also crafting heaven this month! Time to break out the paper, scissors, glue, glitter and all that other fun stuff to make valentine cards! Our first valentines this month were to thank the ski instructors.

We used odds and ends of stuff from around the house. A little spare red posterboard, some construction paper, toothpicks, glue and a black marker. The ski pole toothpicks were inspired by an idea I saw here. (It’s the only blog in Italian I “read.” I have no idea what it says but this woman is a crafting genius!)



They were super fun to make and made the recipients smile!

Ski Lesson Recap

This past weekend, we finished our last homeschool ski lesson. My kids had a blast and are a bit sad that the ski season is over for us for this year. We are already looking forward to next year. Even though each week we drive 

It’s “Snowing” in Virginia!

Last night, we received the first “real” snow of the winter—a whopping 2 inches or so.  It’s enough to close every school in the county.  While this may seem ridiculous to residents of snow-drenched states (like my family in Utah), I have come to accept