Emergency Water Storage

While we still have a few brain cells left that are not dedicated to (pleasant and non-stressful) holiday thoughts, I thought it would be a good idea to focus in on some of the emergency preparation aspects of our theme. My own emergency planning could 

October, November and December Themes: Emergency Preparedness, Holiday Celebrations and Entertaining

Here we are at the start of another new month and it is generally the time to announce a new theme.ย  As I was thinking through the themes I had planned for October, November and December, however, I realized that soon (and perhaps already) general 

Guest Blogger Kristin Jolley with Communication Strategy Tips

Brief introduction: My name is Kristin Jolley and I have been an online marketer for over a decade, with specific expertise in direct response marketing. I am currently the Director of Media for a direct response lead generation company in Salt Lake City, Utah that 

Communication Mistakes: The Path Back From Embarrassment

Any person who has any contact with the outside world will inevitably make a social error. How can you really embarrass yourself socially? Let me count the ways . . . an honest mistake thinking out loud boring your audience expressing a thought better left 

Using a Vision Board to Improve Your Communication Skills

Communication skills are something we can all use help with at one time or another. Human interaction is complex and what is appropriate behavior for one situation can be completely wrong for another. Lessons on human interaction are hard to come by and most of