Review of 2014’s Theme Word: Traction

Inspired by Marcia Francois, the Organising Queen, I have been selecting a theme word each year for the past several years. I find the theme word concept is a great way to stay focused. If you just list all the goals you have for the year, you end up with an overwhelming list of different ideas. If you take another look at that list and try to focus in on just one word or theme that runs through all of those goals, it really does help to clarify what you are trying to accomplish.
Last year, I chose the theme word “traction” for my personal goals. To me, this word meant:
- getting unstuck from unhealthy or unproductive behaviors
- continuing to try new ideas until you find an effective solution for your problem
- eliminating complacency and remaining aware of opportunities for improvement even in areas where you are performing well
- forging into unknown, messy and complex situations
- moving noticeably forward, whether by an inch or a mile
So, how did I do on my “traction” goals? I didn’t achieve everything I wanted to, particularly when it came to my physical environment organization goals and my blogging goals, but in many areas, I can celebrate success!
- I completed 44 days of clean eating last spring, dropping 14 pounds. I learned to cook in an entirely new way, began to change my taste buds and have managed to continue my diet throughout the year in a modified way (more on this to come).
- We completed another cross-country trip to visit family spending 18 days on the road with 3 children! We all had a ball and it is still on my to do list to give you a trip log of our adventures.
- We achieved one of our milestone personal financial goals this year and have made significant progress in working toward our next goals (which will take decades to achieve).
- Our homeschool curriculum this year is the most challenging we have attempted with more subjects and another child to preschool. So far, it is going very well.
- We celebrated the holidays from October through December in grand style, from homemade Halloween costumes to a homecooked Thanksgiving and many activities for Christmas.
- I did most of the above while pregnant and had to fit in numerous doctor appointments into an already crowded schedule!
It is a healthy and positive habit to take a moment to celebrate your successes. Even if you didn’t achieve exactly what you set out to do last year, did you make progress in other ways? Did you gain a key insight? Did you make key preliminary steps toward achieving your goals? Did life take an unexpected turn for you and you ended up having to completely revise your goals and go in a different direction?
Take time to congratulate yourself. Life is hard and we all deserve to feel that we are making “traction” in our own unique ways.
In my next post, my theme word for 2015.