January’s Theme: Diet and Exercise – Organizational Strategies for Success

There are a lot of themes going on this month. I told you about my overarching theme word for 2014 but this month, my focus, like most of America, is on diet and exercise. Last year, I started a diet and exercise plan and for the most part, I have been faithful about executing it for almost a year now! While I am not any sort of expert on diet and exercise and am just stumbling along with everyone else, I do have some insight to share about how I managed to stick with it, what the ongoing challenges are and how my plan is impacting my own health.
No matter what advances we come up with in medical science, it is probably true that we are never going to get away from diet and exercise as a means to obtain optimum health.
If you are struggling with diet and exercise, please know that my posts this month are not intended to make anyone feel guilty or jealous. I am not advocating that everybody should follow the plan that is working for me. I only hope to encourage people to seek out the plan that works for their body and their life.
If you have any specific questions or concerns you would like to see addressed on diet and exercise this month, please post your thoughts in the comments or email me.
P.S. My email inbox is overflowing lately with New Year’s inspiration and encouragement from so many different places. If I have one wish for 2014, it is that all of my gurus continue to stay fired up for the entire year and keep churning out more great ideas and words of wisdom so that I stay fired up (selfish, I know!). I loved Ramit Sethi’s post today with his theme for 2014. It links nicely with my own personal theme. Ramit also gives us the great quote: “As your surrogate Asian father, I demand more for you.” Marcia Francois, my theme word inspiration source, also shared her theme word for 2014 taking on a spiritual focus.
P.P.S. For those of you on my mailing list, I am trying to increase my posting frequency this year but don’t want to wear out my welcome in your email inbox. I am switching my email notifications to provide a weekly summary of posts rather than daily posts. If you would prefer daily notifications, just let me know.