Weighing In: Week Two of Diet AND Exercise Regime
It has been a tough week at our house. My children picked up a norovirus-like bug somewhere and have been so incredibly sick. We have been dealing with fevers, bodily fluids and sleepless nights for several days now. We keep hoping we are done with this virus but two of my children still have straggling symptoms. I have not left the house in almost a week. My husband has picked up all the grocery shopping and errand-running for me.
Somehow, my husband and I were spared this illness. At first, I tried to tell myself it was all the healthy eating I have been doing but since my husband also didn’t become ill it must be that we have somehow been exposed to this thing before and have immunity.
The weather is also going a bit crazy here in Virginia. It was just starting to look like spring when the second snowstorm of March blew in last night. We celebrated a chilly St. Patrick’s Day. For me, the celebration consisted of eating my greens (in salad of course!).
Even though it has been busy and I have been tired, I still managed to stick to my diet.
I added another salad to my rotation.
We also got take-out this weekend at Chipotle. Chipotle is not a low-calorie place and the portions are so hugely sized you can easily get two meals out of one dish. I saved up all my salad calories for Saturday to be able to eat a barbacoa burrito bowl, which is salad-like and has fewer calories than their salad. (Chipotle has a terrific calorie-counting tool on their website so you can easily calculate how many calories are in your dish depending on what options you choose.) I was starving by the time I ate but it felt good to have such a large meal. Sometimes on a diet, bunching and spacing calories can help you get over the hungry feelings.
I had to slack off three days of exercise, though as I just didn’t feel up to it in my sleep-deprived state. I did start disc two of the DDP Yoga series, though and it does get a little more challenging. I am glad I spent so much time on disc one as I now have the basic moves down so it is easier to incorporate the newer poses and movements.
I weighed in last Sunday and was pleased to see that my hard work is still continuing to pay off!
To date, I have lost 11 pounds and 7 ¼ inches! Technically, I have hit my goal weight now. My husband has noticed the wonderful results.
I continue to be surprised that a weight loss of just over 10 pounds could result in so many inches lost. If I had known that, I would have worked harder earlier on to get this weight off!

I am still going to keep going on my diet. It has become easier and easier to stay on it as time goes by. I don’t desperately crave all the foods I am preparing for the rest of my family the way I did the first week (although they still look yummy to me). I haven’t cheated yet and I don’t think I am going to. I still don’t enjoy eating salad all the time but it fills me and is healthy.
This diet is not an exercise in anorexia. I am not trying to get down to size zero. I would like to give myself a cushion of a few pounds though in case I slip up coming off the diet. The pace of weight loss is likely to slow down a bit from here as well.
On to another week!