Holiday Feasting

Licking the (egg free) beaters of the gingerbread cookie recipe was my son's favorite treat.

While I am not a great cook, I have been improving in recent years and I have come to appreciate how wonderful a feeling it is to eat a delicious home-cooked meal for the holidays in your own home. Even though I am the one doing all the work, when I sit down to eat it, I feel like a lady of the manor.

This year, I left my Christmas menu planning to the last minute. Just a few days before Christmas, I had no idea what I was going to serve my family. We were on our own for the holiday so we didn’t have to worry about honoring anyone else’s traditional recipes or dietary preferences.

When I asked my family what they wanted to eat for the holidays, I received almost no input. So, I based the menu on what I wanted to eat. For some reason, I was craving lemon, ginger and the Southwest Chicken Salad from California Tortilla. Here is what we ended up with:

Christmas Eve Supper

A simple salad of spinach, dried apricots and cranberries, pecans and a strong cheese.
Avgolemono soup - foamy and lemony, a nod to my Greek heritage and a favorite of my preschooler.
Salmon with dill sauce - a favorite of the baby!
Gingerbread cookies with royal icing for Santa (and us).

Christmas Day Lunch

For the kids - a version of yellow curry chicken using supermarket curry sauce - a hit with my 7 year old.
For the adults - Southwest Chicken salad
Honey lime dressing for the salad - a close approximation of the "real" thing.

Christmas Dinner

Tortellini (with spinach and sun-dried tomatoes for the adults)

It’s an unconventional mix but it was delicious and not too filling. By the time Christmas Day dinner rolled around and my energy level was almost zero, I was especially grateful that I saved my easiest meal for last. I was going to make angel food cake with ice cream and strawberries for dessert but we scrapped that and gorged on the chocolate supply from Santa instead.

Recipe Links:

What did you feast on this holiday season? Any good recipes or meal ideas to share? Please share in the comments.