Ruly Mix: Rajiv Agarwal

It’s the season of giving and today, readers of get a special treat . . . a free song! Yes, FREE! Ruly is launching a new monthly feature . . . the Ruly Mix! Each month, you can download for free an upbeat, motivational song. 

Music is one of the greatest motivational techniques. With the right song in your head, you can find energy you didn’t know you had, push yourself harder and feel more positive. 

Rajiv Agarwal

This month’s song comes from New Zealand-based composer Rajiv Agarwal of Spectral Audio. I asked Rajiv to introduce himself and the song.

How long have you been playing/composing music?

I have been composing music since 15 years now. It all started with my small Casio keyboard which my brother got me as a gift when I was just 7. I used to spend hours fiddling with it. From then on it was a long journey of learning and hard labour before I could finally start composing music commercially.

What instruments do you play?

I have been playing the keyboards ever since I was 8 years old. Later on in life I tried my hand on the Indian bamboo flute. Quite a tough instrument I should say. It took me 6 months just to learn how to blow air correctly to get the rounded sound!! No wonder I left it midway! So yes keyboard is all I play.

What inspires you when you are writing music?

My inspiration is life in its ever changing kaleidoscope of transformation.  The different sound synthesis helps me capture those ever changing patterns into something concrete and perceivable, something which I and my audience can relate to instantly.

What were you thinking about when you composed this mix for

Energy!! That was a paramount thought in my head. Energy to pursue things we want to but fail to do. Energy for things which are important, but lie back in the corner, dusty and forgotten. I wanted the song to help people get up and get going. I spent many hours figuring out a melody line which was motivational without being pushy.

What are the holidays like in New Zealand at this time of year?

This is the summer time here, so all kinds of flowers are blooming everywhere. People are shopping mad for Christmas, and those who have finished shopping are tying ropes on their feet heading towards the bridges for a kiwi bungy jump.  The roads are full of boats and kayaks (I find that really amusing) as people head off to different beaches. It’s fun time!!

Click the picture below to play Rajiv’s song or right-click to download.


As long as you are downloading the song from, you can be assured that the file does not have viruses or other malevolent features. It really is just a song. (If you download the file from somewhere else, I cannot vouch for its safety.)

If you like what you hear, please feel free to share the song with others. To respect the rights of the musician, please comply with the simple Ruly License terms below.

Ruly License: You may download and play this song for your own personal use so long as you keep the voiceover tags intact indicating the name of the artist and that the song came from Businesses may also download this song to play as background music in their establishments so long as the voiceover tags remain intact. Any other uses of the song (such as in videos, etc.) must be pre-approved by the artist. Questions about license permissions can be addressed to

I hope that you will use this music to inspire you to do something you didn’t think was possible. Your goal can be large or small and could be something as simple as getting through your weekly commute with a smile, decorating, cleaning, exercising, spicing up a boring workday or dancing around the house with your loved ones.  If you are feeling a bit down or worn out this holiday season, I hope that this song will help pick you up a bit.

Enjoy your weekend!  If you love the song, Rajiv and I would appreciate it if you would post a comment!