“Real” Washington Style: Democrats

In the 13 years we have lived in the Washington area, never have we seen as much popular focus on the city as we have seen in the past few years. While Washington is the capital city of the entire United States and one of 

Closet Organization 101

Now that we have done a few mental exercises thinking about our clothes, (i.e. thinking about whether our closets are “interview ready” and how many clothes we really need) it is time to start actually getting our hands dirty and sort through the closets. August 

August’s Theme: Clothing and Closets

It’s the start of another month at Ruly and this month we are continuing our organizational progress by focusing on clothing and closets. The closet is an organizing challenge for many people. The simple act of getting dressed is a challenge for many people! Clothing 

The Ruly Road Trip – Part Four

Bear with me today, dear readers! We are going to cover nine states and seven days to finish out this road trip adventure.  If you are overwhelmed by the text, take a break halfway through and come back to finish.  🙂 Ready? Days Ten through 

The Ruly Road Trip – Part Three

Thanks for all the great comments on the road trip! Glad you are enjoying it too! Picking up where we left off in Albuquerque. . . Day Five: Albuquerque, New Mexico to Tusayan, Arizona We woke up in Albuquerque and I wanted to spend just