Ruly Bookshelf: The Twitter Book

If you are over the age of 25, Twitter is most likely a complete mystery. You may have heard bits and pieces about Twitter and figure that it has something to do with sending messages with lots of acronyms and juvenile abbreviations like: r u 

Ruly Bookshelf: Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do

This month’s Ruly Bookshelf choice will challenge everything you know about traffic and driving. Traffic: Why We Drive the Way We Do (and What It Says About Us) by Tom Vanderbilt is a detailed research study about how the human brain processes the challenges of 

More Carrot Less Stick: Motivation Lessons from Harry Paul and Ross Peck, Ph.D.

“Instant Turnaround!  Getting People Excited About Coming to Work and Working Hard.”  Wow!  The title alone had me wondering what motivational technique could possibly be worthy of such a confident promise.  Quite frankly, a bit skeptical . .  . “Oh, this ought to be good!” 

Ruly Bookshelf: The Turnaround Kid

This month we are discussing motivation, both in terms of keeping you going when you are doing well and helping you dig out of a hole when things have all gone wrong. For help on this issue, we are going to look at motivation from 

Ruly Bookshelf: Grow Your Own Drugs

Intrigued by the title of this month’s Ruly Bookshelf choice? I certainly was. After hearing about this book on NPR, I had to read it. The book’s topic was also a great way to do both a Ruly Bookshelf and a Ruly Survival post in