Ruly Bookshelf: Marcia Francois’ Live Organised

My goal this month was to read and review Marcia Francois’ new book Live Organised and I am happy to report that I have succeeded! I read the book yesterday despite an overfull schedule. The great thing about this book is that it suits its 

Ruly Bookshelf: Aftershock

When I am learning about something new, I like to read broadly from a variety of opinions before forming my own. In my investor educational activities, I came across this offer from Newsmax to get a copy of a book called Aftershock for just the 

Ruly Bookshelf: Peter Walsh’s Lighten Up

I was so excited to be asked to review Peter Walsh’s latest book, Lighten Up. If you have been with me from the beginning of this blog, you know that the very first organizing book I reviewed was Peter Walsh’s classic uncluttering book: “It’s All 

Ruly Bookshelf: The Shut-Down Learner

Apologies for the posting delay, but my nerves are in a much better state today and ready to continue our discussion of school organization strategies. Today’s book review continues the exploration of why some children seem to be particularly challenged by school and what frustrated 

Ruly Bookshelf: That Crumpled Paper Was Due Last Week

Last week was a huge event for our family. We welcomed a wonderful boy! Our son is tiny and cute and his arrival requires that my husband and I update our parenting skills to learn more about raising boys. Ana Homayoun’s book, That Crumpled Paper