It’s All in Your Head: Why A Lack of Motivation Might Not Be Entirely Your Fault

We generally think of motivation as a personal attribute entirely within our control. If you have motivation, you are thought to be disciplined, organized, and energetic. If you lack motivation, the general stereotype is that you are lazy, unorganized and lack passion. This characterization isn’t 

Motivating A Loved One’s Comeback

Life throws us all a few curves sometimes and we have to adjust to changing circumstances. It is hard, however, to watch a close friend or  loved one suffer a setback of any kind, especially when you don’t know what you can say or do 

Motivation in Bursts

I don’t take well to routines and schedules where you have a quota to meet or do the same thing every day. I tend to be a little more loose and unscheduled and complete projects based on what I am feeling the most energy for 

Coming Back After a Disaster: Lessons from Haiti

I promised back in January to check back in on Haiti 6 months after the earthquake. Where is Haiti now? What can we learn about motivation and recovery from the survivors? It is hard to say how Haiti is doing now. According to The Miami 

Coming Back After a Disaster: Lessons from BP

In our discussion of motivation, turnarounds and comebacks this month, we have an unfortunate real-life example to study in the April 20 British Petroleum oil spill cleanup in the Gulf of Mexico. It has been hard for me to follow this story because I find