Ruly Christmas Tip: Multipurpose Holiday Decorations

Decorating for Christmas and other holidays can involve so much stuff!  Sometimes it can get a bit overwhelming to pack up and store all of those holiday decorations.  How can you lighten your burden? Look for opportunities to multipurpose your decorations so that they are 

Ruly Appreciation: Busiest Mailing Day of the Year

As time winds down quickly before Christmas, I am going to share a few quick posts with some of my favorite holiday ideas. First, I wanted to pause to remember that no matter how busy we all may feel, there are few people busier right 

Virtual Giving Game Part 2: Kristin’s Holiday Gift Guide for Sophisticated, Professional Women

Readers had so much fun with Ruly Ruth’s gift giving experiment post that my sister-in-law and guest blogger, Kristin Jolley, requested in a comment to join in the fun.  Per the old maxim, “Be careful what you wish for, you just might get it!”  Kristin’s wish 

Holiday Planning Tip: Shipping and Photo Printing Deadlines

While I would like (and plan to) finish up our emergency food supply planning by the end of this month, holiday duties are taking priority at the moment. Today’s post suggests some holiday items to prioritize in the next week or so. For those celebrating, 

Time Management During the Holidays

Now that we are past the big November holiday, Thanksgiving, the frenetic Christmas season has begun. Managing your time well when you have a lot to accomplish is essential. It should be simple and intuitive for us to realize that when we are adding a