Holiday Recovery

For those who celebrated Christmas, hope your holiday was lovely and that you enjoyed celebrations with your loved ones thoroughly! We had a wonderful Christmas here. The actual Christmas morning event seemed to last all of about 10 minutes with lots of packages and wrapping 

Ruly’s Favorite Holiday Blog Posts

There have been so many wonderful blog posts this year celebrating the holidays.  I could probably make a list of 100 or more ideas but the following half-dozen were the ones I kept coming back to for inspiration. 1. Wreath ideas from The Nesting Place. 

Ruly Holiday Tip: Glass Wax Window Stencils

Holiday window decorations are fun and festive.  Many people refrain from doing them, however, so they avoid “messing up” their windows, since window washing is low on most people’s house cleaning tasks. At some point in the past, some enterprising individual found a way to 

How to Win the Holiday Cookie Contest Without Really Trying

Today, I will continue my quick, lighthearted holiday posts so that those who are already overtaxed by holiday responsibilities can relax and be entertained for a bit. Last weekend, I attended a neighborhood holiday cookie and ornament party.  As I was rushing about last-minute trying 

Ruly Green Wrapping Tip: Reuse Children’s Artwork

I always like to look for creative and recycling-oriented gift wrap ideas.  Last year, my tip was to take wrapping paper you don’t particularly like or that is not holiday themed and wrap your gifts with the back/plain side of the paper facing out. Having