Ruly Ruth: How Clean Does Your House Need to Be for Entertaining?

How clean does your house need to be for entertaining guests? That is the million-dollar question. I’d like to present general conventions. On a daily basis, your house should be as clean as you need to normally function. I would like to think that the 

Clean Like a Pro: Lessons from the Hospitality Industry

It is hard to blog this week without acknowledging all of the heavy and serious news affecting the United States in light of the horrific attack in Arizona and an unusual car bombing here in the Washington area.   My thoughts and prayers are with all 

Meet the Queen of Clean

Allow me to introduce you to America’s queen. What? You didn’t know the United States had royalty? When it comes to cleaning we do. Meet Linda Cobb, the “Queen of Clean” (trademarked of course). Any woman dubbing herself the Queen of Clean is immediately suspect. 

January’s Theme: Cleaning

Since January is generally a time most people think of fresh starts and clean slates, I thought it would be appropriate to devote a month to the topic of cleaning. Cleaning is in a different but related category from organizing. “Organized” implies a skeleton of 

Happy New Year!

Welcome to 2011—a fresh new year!  There have been so many wonderful blog posts written about New Year’s resolutions that I wanted to share a few along with some thoughts of my own. For help on setting and achieving resolutions: 1.  Last year’s Ruly January