Thanksgiving Reflections

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in America and typically this is the day to write a note about what we are thankful for.  Yesterday, I attended my daughter’s preschool class celebration of Thanksgiving where each child had on either a pilgrim or Native American headdress and 

Emergency Food Storage

When I first announced the Ruly Challenge for this month, one of the first private comments I received was a question about emergency food storage. Food is, of course, necessary for survival and getting rid of your food supply can trigger a sense of unease. 

The 2010 IKEA Catalog is Here!

A little slice of heaven arrived in the mail this weekend . . . the 2010 IKEA Catalog! If you have never had the pleasure, the IKEA Catalog is part shopping guide, part art exhibition and 100% inspiration. The products, as always, are stylish, practical 

Welcome to Ruly!

A new world order begins today! Ruly, that is!  Ruly provides a centralized source of information on organizational techniques and tips as well as the motivation to convert ideas into action. Ruly is not about “cleaning.”  It is not about routines, compulsive tidiness, labeling, or cataloguing every aspect of your