Minimalism Lessons from my Refrigerator

I have a couple of loose ends to tie up from previous posts and will be using my Fridays this month to do that. Back in November when we were chatting about food, the Ruly Challenge that month was to eat from the fridge and 

Achieving Difficult Goals & Recycled Thank You Notes

One of my goals for this year is to do better on my thank you note writing, my angst over which I have written about recently. For me, this is one of those “hard” resolutions like losing weight or saving money. Simply saying (or even 

2010 Calendar Preview: Perceptions of Time

It will be a difficult week transitioning back from holiday schedules to regular schedules.  Perhaps you are also trying to start new routines as part of a New Year’s resolution as well.  Do your best not to get overwhelmed by what you are facing and 

Holiday Detox

My brain is still in holiday mode and posting this morning is taking a bit more effort than usual. Hope those who celebrated Christmas had a marvelous holiday! Those celebrating Kwanzaa are just getting started, focusing today on the principle of “Ujima” (Collective Work and 

Holiday Odds and Ends

With less than 48 hours to Christmas morning, life is proceeding at a frenzied pace at our home. We are now unburied from the snowstorm and mobile and able to complete our holiday errands. Apparently everyone else in the area has the same idea and