Ruly Bookshelf: The Happiness Project

All this month, we have been discussing perfectionism, its advantages and its crippling effects when misapplied. Last week, I reviewed Dr. Alice Domar’s book, “Be Happy WIthout Being Perfect.” Today, I am discussing a book that road tests the opposite approach, “Be Happy By Being 

Martha Stewart Valentine Chocolates

My wonderful sister-in-law sent a Valentine’s package including a delicious package of Dove chocolates.  My husband opened a chocolate and said, “Why is there a quote from Martha Stewart on the wrapper?” “WHAT?!?”  I said intrigued, being the person hyperfocused on Martha and perfectionism at 

Martha Stewart: Perfectionist Extraordinaire

When discussing perfectionism, it is hard not to talk about the Class A perfectionist, Martha Stewart. As I have some readers who are not from the United States who may not have heard of Martha Stewart, I will provide a brief introduction.  Martha Stewart is 

February’s Theme: Perfectionism

It is a new month at Ruly and this month will focus on a demon to productivity and happiness . . . perfectionism.  Perfectionism in small doses can be a good thing, pushing us to achieve and innovate.  But perfectionism unchecked can be paralyzing, slowing 

Achieving the “Impossible” Goal: Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today in the United States is a day to honor and remember the birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.  In his 39 years, he lived a short but powerful life.  By the age of 26, he had earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree, was married,