Money Recap

It’s the last day of March and time to recap this month’s discussion of money.  I am also including some of my favorite comments from the month and links to other interesting articles. We started the month discussing the reasons why you need to learn 

Financial Options When You Are Circling the Drain

The downfall in housing values, the resetting of adjustable rate mortgages to market rates, and rising unemployment have ratcheted the debt level of many American families to astronomical levels. Many families feel overwhelmed by their situation, stuck and wishing for a fresh start. Some may 

401(k) Tune-Up

Saving for retirement is one of those financial challenges that we know we have to do “someday” but the need for money in retirement seems so much less pressing than our need for money today. In the past, many people didn’t have to really worry 

Insurance 101

Insurance is one of the less interesting financial topics but it is an important part of sound planning.  Insurance protects us from financial ruin in the event of uncommon but devastating disasters like fire, flood, disability and even death.  People buy insurance often because they 

Tax Preparation Tips

Things are a little off-kilter in our house due to the switch to daylight savings time. Both adults and children are having to adjust to the one hour earlier time difference. It is amazing that “just” one hour has such an impact. Starting off a