Budget Patio Furniture Makeover

Today I am excited to debut phase one of our budget patio updates . . . our “new” patio furniture! Of course, it is really just the same old patio furniture but it has had a complete makeover. When I was looking for ideas on 

Contemporary Style

In our discussion of design this week, we started with one of the most traditional styles, Colonial style, and then discussed one of the most feminine and ornate styles, Victorian style. To round out the discussion, today we will cover contemporary style. Contemporary style refers 

Help Build the Dream for Martin Luther King, Jr.

I was recently contacted by the Washington, DC Martin Luther King, Jr. National Memorial Project Foundation, Inc., whose website is buildthedream.org, and asked to help spread the word about their fundraising efforts to build a memorial to Martin Luther King Jr. on the National Mall. The 

Victorian Style

On Monday, we discussed Colonial style, a classic, understated formal style common in Washington homes. Today, we go another direction and explore the frilly, feminine Victorian style, popular during the reign of Queen Victoria, 1837-1901. Most women have a weakness for Victorian style. Left to 

Colonial Style

It’s spring break for my daughter this week so I am continuing work on my patio updates. I came up with a great way to update the patio furniture but, as with most home improvement projects, it is taking a little longer than expected. If