Motivation from the Comeback Master: Donald Trump

One of the books that came up during the search of my local library for motivation was Donald Trump’s 1997 classic, The Art of the Comeback.  In this autobiographical book, The Donald details his return to riches after “the depression of 1990-1993.”  The book is 

Guest Blogger Kathy Jentz with 9 Options for Zero Lawn Landscaping Designs

by Kathy Jentz, editor of Washington Gardener Magazine. We’re coming up on the season for lawn renewal. Before you go to all that trouble, take a few minutes to consider replacing all that turf with some easier, more attractive, and Earth-friendly alternatives. Maintaining a lawn 

Garden Predators: Deer and Rabbits and Birds, Oh My!

Sometimes it is a hard thing to remember that we share our garden spaces with all of nature, including wildlife who may treat our gardens with what we consider to be appalling manners. Consider this raccoon, for example, who used to empty our birdfeeder every 

The Perfectionist Gardener

There are many gardeners out there who take their yard and gardens very seriously. It makes sense in a way. Your yard and garden is the first thing people see when they come to visit you. It is on display all the time to friends 

Landscaping Basics: Pruning

I have a lot to do to tune-up my front entrance plantings. We have let them become rather jungle-like over the years in part due to lack of time but also because of lack of knowledge. Most of our front entrance plantings are various bushes